Check out your questions


  • Product
    TONEWORK and BASE PICKER, are they different?

    BASE PICKER has been renewed as TONEWORK, a brand specialized in customized makeup. Meet the new TONEWORK Vegan 200+ Foundation, which retains all the great qualities of BASE PICKER while incorporating sustainable attributes.
    - 600 product options (same color and texture as before)
    - Vegan certification from the Korea agency of vegan certification and service Inc.
    - *New package design that embodies the brand's philosophy! (*Recylced plastic, FSC-certified paper, soy ink printing)
    We prioritize environmental consciousness and encourage mindful consideration of the earth.

  • Etc.
    I'd like to inquire about a business partnership.

    Please leave your inquiry at [Collaboration Inquiry] at the bottom of the homepage and a representative will check it out and get back to you.

  • Review
    How can I write a product review?

    After logging in, you can write a review by clicking [PRODUCT] > select the product you want to write about > 'Write a Review' at the bottom.

  • Member
    I don't remember my ID/password

    Click the [Find ID] or [Find Password] button at the bottom of the [LOGIN] page.

  • Member
    What are the benefits of signing up and logging in as a member?

    By logging in with your Amorepacific Beauty Point member ID, you can experience the color matching solution in [DISCOVER YOUR TONE] and check your color matching results collected so far in 'Color History' on [My Page]

  • Site
    The text looks too big or images are cropped on my PC/laptop.

    Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and set the screen scale to 100% in [Display Settings>Scale & Layout>Change the size of text, apps, and other items].

  • Site
    I found an error while using the website.

    We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced while using TONEWORK.com. Please submit the details of the error you found through the 1:1 inquiry registration and we will solve it quickly.
    Please include the following information: ①Device information ②Diion of the error(usage situation and details) ③Error screen(capture, screen recording, etc.)"

  • Product
    Do I need an appointment to try the TONEWORK foundation service at the AMORE YONGSAN?

    TONEWORK foundation at AMORE YONGSAN is a self-service with no appointment necessary. Feel free to experience our skin tone diagnostic solutions, try out our tester samples, and purchase customized products manufactured on-site. For more information about store operations, please check out [ABOUT US]>'STORE'.

  • Solution
    [TONE LINKER] I can't find the product I've used.

    Open the search bar for the brand or product name, and click ""No result? Please tell us what you looking for"" button at the bottom to tell us about the product info. Please be specific with the brand name, product name, and color name(shade No.) to help us add data.

  • Solution
    What is 'Color Counseling' feature?

    The color matching solution's built-in 'Color Counseling' feature allows you to choose shades based on your preference. In addition to the results suggested by the basic diagnostic/matching algorithm, this feature helps you to fine-tune the shades according to your personal taste and makeup style.